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We are grateful for you!

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Gratitude: The Short Film by Louie Schwartzberg
Gratitude: The Short Film by Louie Schwartzberg
In this time of challenge, when so many are suffering throughout the world, 
we take time today to express our deep gratitude and love.

We are grateful for those who are working to create healing in this world. 

We are grateful for those who risk their own lives to save the lives of others: the health care workers, the fire fighters, the first responders, the civil servants. 

We are grateful for the light carriers, the intention holders, the peace makers. 

We are grateful for the truth speakers. 

We are grateful for the ones who work for justice. 

We are grateful for the teachers and the families who nurture the young. 

We are grateful for all those who place the well being of others in highest regard. 

We are grateful for this impossibly beautiful planet and home. 

We are grateful for this Earth's creatures and all her life forms. 
We are grateful for challenges that are encouraging us to grow. 

We are grateful for the love and compassion that this community imparts into the world. 

We are grateful for you.

May your heart be filled with gratitude, peace and love. 
May you radiate these qualities throughout your corners of the world, creating a blanket of calming, healing light throughout the planet.
Our Deep Gratitude, 
Healing Beyond Borders Board of Directors and Staff
"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, 
it will be enough."
                                        ~ Meister Eckhart



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Guest Tuesday, 16 July 2024