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December 2020 HBB President Update

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 December 2020 President Monthly Ezine

"Holding the Light"
"You live through the darkness from what you learned in the light." ~Hope MacDonald
One of the beauties of Healing Touch, and the thing that attracted me to it compared with other biofield therapies, was our course of study and the fact that certification as a practitioner or instructor is not a one-and-done event. I loved the fact that students, practitioners, and instructors of Healing Touch are always learning new things, rediscovering ancient wisdom, reflecting on experiences, and working toward becoming the best iteration of themselves. In my mind, students, practitioners, and instructors of Healing Touch are scholars of healing in all its many facets. I don't think we often think of ourselves as scholars. Sometimes we have difficulty with the label of healer. But what are scholars if not life-long learners?
I have been learning about our healing work from the moment I stepped into my first Healing Touch class in 2006. Fourteen years later, this work continues to unfold in new and exciting ways. And in 2020, that continuous learning and re-learning has been one of the things that has sustained me. I find myself going back to many of the texts on our book list daily, rereading and rediscovering the information contained within in an effort to help me understand the world and events around me. Healing Touch mentors and colleagues offer insight and wisdom to aid in my understanding. And, hopefully, I have done the same from time to time.
And I've discovered new treasures of wisdom and knowledge. A recent discovery that has truly been a gift is Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. An Indigenous woman and plant ecologist, Kimmerer expertly weaves ancient wisdom and scientific knowledge together into a book that is just as much about healing and personal growth as anything else. I've been reading it in small snippets just to make it last that much longer.
One thing that this book has reminded me of is the Indigenous notion of who owns and can access wisdom. Indeed, it is there for all of us and not dispensed by gurus alone. Again, I think about our healing community of scholars who so eagerly share what they know in a heart-centered effort to spread healing light and enrich us all. Whether through mentorship, book clubs, discussion and practice groups, or our virtual conference this year, the knowledge exchange among our healing scholars is alive and well. And I think it is one of the things that has helped each of us endure the pandemic and will continue to illuminate a path of healing in 2021.
As the solstice nears, the seasons change, and the year comes to a close, I have been thinking about all that has occurred in 2020. Being scholars of this heart-centered work of ours, we are aware of energetic patterns and flows. Our theme this year of patterns of possibility and bringing wholeness on Earth reflects not only the unwavering ability of our community to hold an energetically high vibration, but to do so with tenderness, strength, and finesse.
Since the founding of our organization, our mission and vision of spreading healing light and restoring wholeness on Earth has been a beacon to those seeking wisdom, healing, and holism. May it ever be so.
During the holy days ahead, on behalf of the Board of Directors and staff of Healing Beyond Borders, I wish you peace, hope, and prosperity.
Joel G. Anderson, PhD, CHTP, FGSA
President, Healing Beyond Borders


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