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Map of Healing Touch Around the World
Use this search to find Healing Touch resources in a specific country, state, city or zip
Use this search to find Healing Touch resources within 50 miles of a city or zip
Results of a search are determined by those who have chosen to be listed in the Online Directory. Therefore, the search may not reflect a comprehensive list of all Members. For more information, please contact the Healing Beyond Borders, Educating and Certifying the Healing Touch™ office at 303-989-7982 or email
Please note: `Pins` on this map are determined by location. Therefore, if two or more items share the same address, only one `Pin` will pop up. For a complete listing of all items, please use our detailed searches listed under Find Healing Touch above.
Please note: `Pins` on this map are determined by location. Therefore, if two or more items share the same address, only one `Pin` will pop up. For a complete listing of all items, please use our detailed searches listed under Find Healing Touch above.
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