Healthcare Resources
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Bibliography of Articles About Healthcare Integration: Find out which publications are printing articles about how Healing Touch is being integrated into the medical community.
Suggested Reading: Over 100 books by authors such as Brennen and Myss cover topics including quantum physics, spiritual development, and ethics. These books have been selected specifically for those studying Healing Touch. See complete details and purchase options
This is a list of articles that address various aspects of energy therapies as they relate to traditional health care systems. Please contact us with additional articles that would be appropriate to add to this list.
- Alternative Link Systems, Inc., The CAM & Nursing Coding Manual. Las Cruces, NM, 3rd Ed. 2001.
- Anselme L. Healing Touch and Health Care Integration, Healing Touch Newsletter, 2001 Dec: (1) 5, 1-5.
- Anselme L, Healing Touch International: Health Care Integration Booklet. Lakewood, CO. Healing Touch International, 1st Ed, 2002; 2nd Ed, 2003; 3rd Ed. 2004.
- Anselme, L. Ethics of Touch Series: Part 1: Boundary Issues and Sex, Healing Touch Newsletter, 2003 August, Vol. 3(3), 3, 5.
- Anselme, L. Ethics of Touch Series: Part 2: Non-Ordinary Reality: the Practitioner Perspective, Healing Touch Newsletter, 2003 Nov: Vol. 3(4), 3-4.
- Anselme, L. Ethics of Touch Series: Part 3: Non-Ordinary Reality: the Client Perspective, Healing Touch Newsletter, 2004 Jan: Vol. 4(1), 4- 5.
- Anselme, L. Ethics of Touch Series: Part 4: Who Am I? What is my Sphere of Influence? What is my Scope of Practice? Healing Touch Newsletter, 2004 March: Vol.4 (2), 3-4.
- Anselme, L. Ethics of Touch Series: Part 5: The Healing Garden, Healing Touch Newsletter, 2004 July: Vol.4 (2), 16-17.
- Anselme, L. Ethics of Touch Series: Part 6: Remedies and Magnets and Oils, Oh My, Healing Touch Newsletter, 2004 Sept: Vol.4 (4), 4-5.
- Astin JA. The efficacy of "distant healing" a systematic review of randomized trials. Ann Intern Med 2000 June 6:132 (1): 903-10.
- Becker N. Healing Journeys Spans High-Tech, High Touch at Hawaiian Hospital. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. Vol. 6, (2) 99-100.
- Benyon MJ. An international perspective from New Zealand on Healing Touch. Beginnings. 1992. Nov.-Dec: 12 (10): 1,4-5.
- Binder BC, Tracy TP, Wachowski JL. Healing for the new millennium, hypnosis and healing touch. Beginnings. 1999 Jan-Feb: 19(1):9, 11.
- Brolinson PG, Price JH, Ditmyer M, Reis D. Nurses' Perceptions of complementary and alternative medical therapies. J Community Health 2001 Jun; 36(3): 175-89.
- Class P. Holistic nursing touches patients. Nursing Spectrum 1994, Nov. 14. Cohen MH. Beyond Complementary Medicine: Legal and Ethical Perspectives on Health Care and Human Evolution. University of Michigan Press. Ann Arbor. 2000.
- Cohen MH. Complementary & Alternative Medicine: Legal Boundaries and Regulatory Perspectives. Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore. 1998.
- Cohen MH. Future Medicine. University of Michigan Press. Ann Arbor. 2003.
- DeLaunne S, Ladner P. Fundamentals of Nursing Standards and Practice. Delmar. New York. 1998. 172-178.
- Dossey B. Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice. 2nd Edition. Gaithersburg. Aspen Publications. 1995.
- DuBrey RJ, Therapeutic touch: a healing intervention. Hospital uses complementary therapy to aid healing, relieve pain. Health Prog 1996 May-Jun; 77 (3):46, 48.
- Ferrell B, Coyle N. Complementary Therapies. Textbook of Palliative Nursing. Oxford University Press. 2001.
- Gerber R. Future trends in healing. J Health Care Inter Des. 1990; 2:9-22. Haden B. Healing touch benefits patients. Interview by Anne Manchester. Nurs NZ. 1999 Aug:5(7):19.
- Healing Touch International: Research Survey. Lakewood, CO. Healing Touch International, Inc. 2003.
- Hover D. Healing touch certificate program continues to bring the human dimension to the nation's nurses. Beginnings. 1992 Feb; 12(2):3.
- Hover-Kramer D., Mentgen J., Scandrett-Hibdon, S. Healing Touch: A Resource for Health Care Professionals, NY: Delmar Publishers. 1996.
- Hover-Kramer D., Mentgen, J. Healing Touch: A Guidebook for Practitioners, 2nd Edition, NY, Delmar Publishers, 2002.
- Hover-Kramer D. Touch therapies in the perioperative environment: human connecting for enhanced healing. Semin Perioper Nurs 1998 Apr; 7 (2): 101-7.
- Hutchison CP. Healing Touch. An energetic approach. Am J Nurs. 199 Apr:99(4):43-8.
- Konner M. Have we lost the healing touch? Newsweek. 2001 Jun.25; 137(26):77.
- King, R. The integration of Healing Touch with conventional care at the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine. Explore. 20051(2), 144-145.
- Kligman E. Alternative Medicine. Iowa Med. 1997 Jul-Aug,87:232-4.
- Krucoff MW, et al. Integrative noetic therapies as adjuncts to percutaneous intervention during unstable coronary syndromes: Monitoring and Actualization of Noetic Training (MANTRA) feasibility pilot. Am Heart J 2001 Nov; 142(5):760-9.
- McSweeney M. Midwifery and the gift of healing touch. Birth Gaz. 1999 Summer; 15(3):28-9.
- Mentgen JL. Australian holistic nursing conference. The Australian Journal of Holistic Nursing 1996; 3(1):25-28.
- Mentgen JL, Healing Touch, Nurs Clin North Am. 2001 Mar,36 (1):143-58.
- Mentgen JL, The clinical practice of healing touch. Imprint. 1996 Nov-Dec:43(5):33-6
- Mentgen JL. Path of healership, Part I. CCHT Healing Touch Newsletter 1996 Aug; 6(3): 5.
- Mentgen JL. Path of healership, Part II. CCHT Healing Touch Newsletter 1996 Dec;6(4):3-4.
- Morales S, Watson-Druee N. The Healing touch programme: passion into action. Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery. 1997 Aug; 5(4):118-9.
- North American Nursing Diagnosis Association. NANDA Nursing Diagnosis: Definitions and Classification, Philadelphia, 1999.
- Oschman, J. Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis. Churchill Livingstone Publishers, NY, 2000.
- Osterlund H. Healing Touch. Hawaii Med J. 2000 Mar; 59 (3):94-5.
- Osterlund H. Healing touch at the Queen's Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. Healing Touch Newsletter 1995 Sep; 5(4):1,3-4.
- Osterlund H. Healing Touch at the Queen's Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. Healing Touch Newsletter 1997, May 2; 7(2): 4-5.
- Prochazka R. Healing touch in nursing: sensitizing one's hands. Pflege Z. 1998 Dec;51 (12):928-30.
- German. Quinn JF. Holding sacred space: the nurse as healing environment. Holistic Nurs Pract. 1992 Jul;6(4):26-36.
- Renz MC. Healing Touch. Nursing 1994. Nov;24(11):46-7.
- Slater, V. Toward an understanding of energetic healing. Part 1 and Part 2. 1995 Journal of Holistic Nursing. 13(3), 209-238.
- Slater, V. Human holistic and energetic responses following a tornado. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 2004. 22(1), 8588-92.
- Smith McLaren S., Adams S. Healing Touch. Handbook of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Association. 2001. 17-29.
- Umbreit AW, Healing Touch: applications in the acute care setting. AACN Clin Issues. 2000 Feb;11(1):105-19.
- Umbreit, AW. Healing Touch. In Alternative and Complementary Therapeutics in Nursing, 4th Ed. M. Snyder & R. Lindquist, Eds. 2001. 165-182.
- Unknown. First healing touch course presented at Naval Hospital. The Examiner 1995 July; 3(7): 10.
- Unknown. The healing touch. Update Scripps Foundation for Medicine and Science 1996 Summer; 3(2): 8-9.
- Villaire M. Healing Touch therapy makes a difference in surgery unit. Crit Care Nurse. 1999. Feb;19(1):104.
- Wardell, DW. Mentgen J. Healing Touch-an energy based approach to healing. Imprint. 1999. Feb-Mar;46(2):34-5,51.
- Wardell, DW. Healing Touch International: Research Survey. Lakewood, CO. Healing Touch International, Inc. 2003.
- Wardell, DW. The trauma release technique: How it is taught and experienced in Healing Touch. Alternative and Complementary Therapies. 2000. 6,(1), 20-27.
- Wardell, DW. Weymouth, K. Review of studies of Healing Touch. Journal of Nursing Scholarship: Image. 2004. 36(2), 147-154.
- Watson, J. Postmodern nursing and beyond. New York: Churchill, Livingstone. 1999.
- Wetzel WS. Healing touch as a nursing intervention: wound infection following cesarean birth: an anecdotal case study. J. Holist Nurs. 1993 Sep;11(3):277-85.
- Winscot C., Healing touch: its importance in the art of nursing. Nebr Nurse. 1995 Nov; 28(4):35. Winthrop E. Hospital explores healing touch therapy. News Chronicle 1995 Feb 8; 2(12).
- Woodward, NH. Healing Touch Benefits Patients. Massage Magazine. 1998, May 114-118.