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Instructor Training & Advancement

Welcome to Healing Beyond Borders Healing Touch Instructor Training and Advancement. We are pleased that you have made the commitment to pursue your training as a Healing Beyond Borders Healing Touch Instructor.  We understand the time and energy that goes into completing this training and recognize all of the work you have done to prepare for this process.

To become a Certified Healing Touch Instructor (CHTI), in addition to completion of the entire five courses of study of the HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program and already being a current Certified Healing Touch Practitioner (CHTP), there are other course requirements. Each Certified Healing Touch Practitioner assists with numerous classes before teaching under supervision from an experienced Certified Healing Touch Instructor.  Applicants then submit an Application packet as a Certified HBB Instructor to the Healing Beyond Borders Certification Board for final review and determination for Certified Healing Touch Instructor (CHTP/I) designation.

You are a valued member of the Healing Beyond Borders community and your teaching will assist many students in their studies to become healers for years to come.

Just as the HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program works best in the context of community, the Instructor Training and Advancement will have increased benefits to you when you consult with your Trainer, Supervisor, Co-Instructors and mentors, ask questions, connect to your personal guidance, and attend to your own self care.

Each criteria is meant to highlight specific knowledge, skills, or judgment related to the development of professional, safe, and ethical Instructor practice. You will also be expected to adhere to the Healing Beyond Borders Instructor Guidelines.

Our intention is that you are successful in this endeavor, and have the support you need to bring your desire to teach others come to fruition. 

First course of study Instructor Training Applicants, please download the Healing Beyond Borders Healing Touch Instructor Certification Application Packet.  This will have your necessary requirements for becoming a HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program first course of study Instructor.

Prerequisites and Criteria are listed for each Healing Beyond Borders Instructor Training Course as well as Healing Beyond Borders Instructor Trainer. Please review them carefully before applying.

View prerequisites and objectives to get accepted and approved into the Instructor Training Course. Complete Instructor Training application and send to the Healing Beyond Borders office at any time for review to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .  Please check with the office for suggestions to meet criteria, if unable to do so.

Note: the below dates are North America, Mountain Dates and Times unless otherwise indicated.

2025 Instructor Training Course Dates: VIRTUAL CLASS
  * Course 1: Thursdays - May 29, June 5, 19, 26, July 3, 10, 17, 24.
         * C1 Application Deadline: April 4, 2025
         * 8 Modules

  * Course 2: Tuesdays - Oct 28, Nov 4, 11, 18
         * C2 Application Deadline: Sep 12, 2025
         * 4 Modules

  * Course 2 - PERU, South America (Spanish Speaking)
         * C2 Application Deadline: June 4, 2025
         * 4 Modules August; specific dates TBA

  * Course 3: Tuesdays March 4, 11, 18, 25.
         * C3 Application Deadline: CLOSED
         * 4 Modules

  * Course 4: Tuesdays April 22, 29, May 6, 13.
         * C4 Application Deadline: February 28, 2025
         * 4 Modules

  * Course 5: Tuesdays September 2, 9, 16, 23
         * C5 Application Deadline: August 8, 2025
         * 4 Modules

Select a course of training: (for easier submission, please type directly in to the application)
Incomplete applications will be returned without review

  1. Instructor Training - Foundations of Healing Touch
  2. Instructor Training - Energetic Patterning and Clinical Applications
    SPANISH - Instructor Training - Energetic Patterning and Clinical Applications
  3. Instructor Training - Advanced Healer Preparation
  4. Instructor Training - Case Management and Professional Practice
  5. Instructor Training - Self-Evaluation and Professional Development

Your application will be reviewed by the Healing Beyond Borders Instructor Training Application Committee. Admission will be based on satisfactorily meeting the prerequisites and criteria, as well as showing readiness to advance.  Incomplete applications will be returned without review.

You will be notified by email as to your status for entry into the next level of Instructor Training which may include: approved, pending more information, deferred until further growth or training has occurred, or declined.

Instructors are qualified to teach the new level when they have satisfactorily completed the Healing Beyond Borders Instructor Training Completion Requirements and have been signed off by the Healing Beyond Borders Instructor Training and Advancement Committee.

Definition of Terms

  • Prerequisites: These are entry level requirements to be completed BEFORE application for Instructor Training.
  • HBB Member and Practitioner in Good Standing: Membership dues are current. Practitioner follows Healing Beyond Borders Code of Ethics / Standards of Practice and there are no open ethics complaints. Any financial responsibilities are current.
  • HBB Instructor in Good Standing: Follows Healing Beyond Borders Instructor Guidelines, Code of Ethics / Standards of Practice and there are no open ethics complaints. All paperwork requirements for classes taught are current, timely and complete. All financial responsibilities are paid and current. Instructor Participant Evaluations for prior classes are consistently favorable.
  • Certification as an HBB Healing Touch Instructor: Instructor is certified as an HBB Healing Touch Instructor through the HBB Certification Board Criteria.
  • Qualification as an HBB Advanced Instructor: Instructor has satisfactorily met the Instructor Training Completion Criteria for the specific course of study.

These guidelines provide a process whereby Certified Healing Touch Instructors (CHTIs) teaching with Healing Beyond Borders (HBB) can become Instructor Trainers. These Instructor Trainers would provide instruction and supervision for individuals who have successfully applied to teach courses within the HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program. Instructor Trainers are appointed by the Board of Directors following successful completion of the criteria and specific processes. The application packets can be found in the Instructor Section after a successful logon, OR call the HBB office for additional information at 303-989-7982.