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Healing Touch Research Brief
Bibliography of Research Articles
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Healing Touch Research Brief: The purpose of this publication is to revise and synthesize the previous Healing Touch Research Survey into a document that is more user-friendly and useful to stakeholders interested in research and the evidence-based practice of Healing Touch in the clinical setting. Previous versions of the publication provided an overview of the current state of knowledge of Healing Touch research, as well as studies in progress. This older publication included a brief summary or abstract of each Healing Touch study or project, and identified whether these studies were published in peer-reviewed journals, Perspectives in Healing, presented at conferences, or were unpublished theses or dissertations. While the old publication strived to include all studies of Healing Touch, over time the format became less user-friendly and lacked focus. Please visit the Healing Beyond Borders shop for further details on the new Research Brief.
Bibliography of Research Articles: View this listing of over 150 published articles, theses, dissertations, and major conference presentations about Healing Touch spanning the past ten years.
Read more here about the categories, format, and references for this bibliography.
There are Three Categories of Articles:
- PROFESSIONAL - Professional sources include articles in publications such as journals of medicine, nursing, massage therapy and others.
- RESEARCH - Research sources include those published in professional journals, dissertations, theses, professional presentations, and newsletter articles.
- PUBLIC - Public sources include magazines and newspaper articles.
About this Bibliography
Included in this section are published articles, master's theses and doctoral dissertations from universities, newsletter articles, selected newspaper articles, and talks presented at professional conferences on research.
Summaries or abstracts of the theses and dissertations that are mentioned in the Research section of this bibliography are found in the Healing Beyond Borders, Educating and Certifying the Healing Touch® Healing Touch Research Brief which can be purchased.
Categories for the bibliography include: Professional sources such as articles in journals of medicine, nursing, massage therapy and other; Research published in professional journals, dissertations, theses, professional presentations, and newsletter articles; Public sources such as magazines and newspaper articles.
The format in this bibliography follows the 5th Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The author or authors are first, followed by the date it was published in parenthesis, the title of the article or book, and where it is published (journal, newspaper, newsletter, etc.), the volume number and in parenthesis is the issue number if available, and lastly the page numbers.
References are identified in [brackets] as Data-based if they are research studies with findings that are presented from collecting data, and Peer reviewed if they have been published in professional health journals that have a formal review process.
- American Holistic Nurses Association (2006, Winter). AHNA Beginnings. 26 (1), p. 1-31.
- Aufenthie, J. (2006). Healing touch. In Textbook of complementary and alternative medicine (2nd ed.) C. Yuan, E. J. Bieber, & B. A. Bauer, Eds. London: Informa Healthcare.
- Becker, N.B. (2000). Healing journeys spans high-tech, high-touch at Hawaiian hospital. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 6(2), 99-100.
- Burr, J. (2005). Jayne's story: Healing Touch as a complementary treatment for trauma recovery. Holistic Nursing Practice, 19(5), 211-216.
- Bracciante Evans, L. (Aug/Sept 2005). Healing Touch for animals. Massage and Body Work, XX(4), p. 30-39.
- Class, P. (1994). Holistic nursing touches patients. The Nursing Spectrum, November 14.
- Coe, A.B. & Anthony, M.L. (2005). Understanding bodywork for the patient with cancer. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 9(6), 733-739.
- Collinge, W., Conquer, J., Lee, D., Scully, L., Weissner, W., & Ulbricht, C. (2007) (www.natural Healing Touch. Natural Standard Monograph.
- Connor, M. & Kothan, M. (2006). The emerging science of energy healing. AHNA Beginnings. 26 (1).
- Davis, L.A. (2006). Quantifying Healing Touch. Visions, 14(2), 66-70. [Peer reviewed]
- DiNucci, E.M. (2005). Energy healing: A complementary treatment for orthopedic and other conditions. Orthopedic Nursing, 24(4), 259-269.
- Dubrey, R.J. (1998, December). Healing Touch: A ministry of love. Provincial News Notes,St Louis, MI. p.18.
- Dubrey, R.J. (1999, Spring). Healing Touch: A ministry of love and compassion. Supportive Voice, Portland, p. 9-10.
- Dubrey, R.J. (1999). St. Mary's Hospital has Healing Touch. Insights: the Newsletter of the Carondelet Health System, 26(3), 3,6.
- Dubrey, R.J. (2000). Healing Touch Buddies Program: A community hospital's response to women with breast cancer. Healing Touch Newsletter, 0(5).
- Engebretson, J. & Wardell, D.W. (2007). Energy-based modalities. Nursing Clinics of North America, 42(2), 243-259.
- Eschiti, V.S. (2006). Journey into chaos: Quantifying the human energy field [Practice column]. Visions: The Journal of Rogerian Nursing Science, 14(1), 50-57.
- Eschiti, V.S. (2007). Healing Touch: A Low-tech Intervention in High-tech Settings. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 26(1), 9-14.
- Eschiti, V.S. (2004). A light in the darkness: Rogers' Science of Unitary Human Beings in 21st century practice. Visions, 12(1), 50-53.
- Edwards, F. Truth is touching. (1992). Tennessee Nurse, October, 55(5), p. 4.
- Guarneri, M. MD. (2005). The Heart Speaks: A cardiologist reveals the secret language of healing. NY: Touchstone.
- Hooper, N. (2005). Healing Touch: An integrative approach for the nurse practitioner. Visions, 13(1), 59-63.
- Hibdon, Sharon S. (2005). Biofield considerations in cancer treatment. Seminars in oncology nursing, 21(3), 196-200.
- Hoster, J. & Dott. (2005). Healing Touch for women's health care. Atlantic Medicine, 4(78), p. 13-17.
- Hutchison, C.P., (1999). Healing Touch: An energetic approach. American Journal of Nursing, 99(4), 43-48.
- Kelley, M. (2002). Strategies for innovative energy-based nursing practice: The Healing Touch program. American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Nurses (SCI Nursing), 19(3), p.117-24.
- Kemper, K. & Kelly, E. (2004). Treating children with therapeutic and healing touch. Pediatric Annals. 33(4) 248-52.
- King, R. (2005). The integration of Healing Touch with conventional care at the ScrippsCenter for Integrative Medicine. Explore, 1(2), 144-145.
- King, R. & Guarneri, M. (2005). Open mind and heart. Spirituality in Health, 8(5), 12-13.
- Kluny, R. (1996). Beyond technology: Nursing care and healing in the NICU, Journal of Exceptional Human Experience, 13(1), 37-40. [Peer reviewed]
- Mason, R. (2006). Closing the circle of healing: An interview with Erminia "Mimi" Guareneri, MD, FACC. Alternative and Complementary Therapies, Oct. 238-243.
- Mentgen, J. (1996). Australian holistic nursing conference. The Australian Journal of Holistic Nursing 1996, 3(1), 25-28
- Mentgen, J. (1996). Path of healership, Part I. CCHT Healing Touch Newsletter, 6(3), 5.
- Mentgen, J. (1996). Path of healership, Part II. CCHT Healing Touch Newsletter, 6(4), 3-4.
- Mentgen, J. (1996, November/December). The clinical practice of healing touch. Imprint, 33-36.
- Mentgen, J. (2002). Healing Touch. Nursing Clinics of North America, 36(1), 143-157.
- Mettner, J. (2005). The healing touch. Minnesota Medicine. 88(1),
- Mines, S. (2000, October/November). Chakraman: AIDS, bodywork and inspiration. Massage & Bodywork. 34-44.
- Moss, N. (1998). Healing Touch offers an addition to tradition therapy in health care. Rural Nurse Connection, 6(5), 1,3.
- Nemeth, L. (2008). Energy and biofield therapies in practice. Beginnings, 28(3), p. 4-5.
- Osterlund, H. (1997). Healing touch at the Queen's Medical Center. Healing Touch Newsletter, 7(2), 4-5.
- Osterlund, H. (2001). Complementary Therapies. In Textbook of Palliative Nursing, B. Ferrell & N. Coyle Eds. Oxford University Press.
- Peniston, B. (1999, May 17). Better living: Eight ideas to make ships more comfortable. Navy Times, p.14.
- Pierce, B. (2007). The Use of Biofield Therapies in Cancer Care, Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 11(2), 253-258.
- Porter, D. (2008). Using healing energy in a hospital spa. American Holisitic Nurses Association: Beginnings, 28(4), 16-17.
- Scandrett-Hibdon, S., Hardy, C., Mentgen, J., (1999). Energetic patterns: Healing Touch case studies. Lakewood, CO: Colorado Center for Healing Touch.
- Shames, K.H., Hover-Kramer, D. (1997). Energetic approaches to emotional healing: Expanding the art of counseling beyond words. Albany NY: Delmar Publishers.
- Sierpina, V.S., & Kreitzer, M.J. (2005). Innovations in integrative health care education. Explore, 1(3), 220-221. [Peer reviewed]
- Slater, V. (1995). Toward an understanding of energetic healing, Part 1 and Part 2. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 13(3), 209-238.
- Slater, V. (2004). Human holistic and energetic responses following a tornado. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 22(1), 85-92. [Data-based/Peer reviewed]
- Smith, L. (2000). Called into healing: Reclaiming our Judeo-Christian legacy of Healing Touch. Littleton, CO: Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry.
- Sood, A., Barton, D., Bauer, B., Loprinzi, C.L. (2007). A critical review of complementary therapies for cancer-related fatigue. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 6(1), pp. 8-13.
- Steelman, R. Complementary therapy: Healing touch finds its way into the hospital setting. Health Care Journal, 1(3), 24-25.
- Stouffer, D. (1998). A Healing Touch approach to scar integration. Healing Touch Newsletter, 8(3). [Data-based]
- Svendsen, C & Bolles, S. (2005). Creating protocols for integrative healthcare. Integrative Medicine, 3(6), 16-20.
- Torres, T. (1997). Healing Touch arrives at NMCP. The Courier: A Monthly Publication for the Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth, 4(9), 10-11.
- Tovey, M. (2001, March). Healing Touch: An energy-based approach to student health. School Nurse News, p. 29-31.
- Turner, A. (2001 April/May). The Healing Touch in the Good Samaritan NICU. The NANN Pages, p. 25.
- Turner, K. (2005). Healing Touch for breast cancer patients. Stanford Nurse, 25(2), p. 8-10.
- Umbreit, A. W. (2000). Healing touch: Applications in the acute care setting. AACN Clinical Issues, 11(1), 105-119.
- Umbreit, A. W. (2006). Healing Touch. In Complementary/ Alternative Therapies in Nursing, 5th Ed. M. Synder & R. Linquist, Eds. (pp. 203-223). NY: Springer Publishing Company.
- University of Minnesota's Center for Spirituality & Healing online series.
- Vinson, C. (1999). Healing sailors with touch. The Eagle, 17(77), 1-2.
- Wagner, K.L. (2006, Feb 01). Complements to the nurse. Nurse Week.
- Wardell, D.W. (2007). Using Healing Touch for end of life care. AHNA Beginnings, 27(4), 28-29.
- Wardell, D.W., & Mentgen, J. (1999, February/March). Healing Touch: An energy based approach to healing. Imprint, 34.
- Wardell, D.W. (2001). White shadow: Walking with Janet Mentgen. Lakewood, CO: Colorado Center for Healing Touch.
- Wardell, D.W. (2001). Unfolding transpersonal caring-healing through story. International Journal of Human Caring, 6(1), 16-24.
- Wardell, D.W. (2002). Therapeutic Touch and Healing Touch. In Principles & Practices in Manual Therapeutics, P. Coughlin & M. Micozzi Eds. (pp 184-197). New York: Churchill Livingstone.
- Wetzel, W. (1999). Alternative and complimentary medicine. In Maternity and Women's Health Care. Philadelphia: Mosby Publications.
- Wood, D. (2004). Hospital incorporates CAM as part of daily care. AMN Healthcare, Inc.
- Woodward, N.H. (1998, May). Healing Touch benefits patients. Massage Magazine, 114-
- Arom, K. & MacIntryre, B. (2002). The Effect of Healing Touch on Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Patients. Paper presented at Healing Touch International 6th Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, January. [Data-based.]
- Baldwin, C. (2002). The effects of Healing Touch on stress in college students. Unpublished master's thesis, West Chester University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [Data-based]
- Bradway, C. (1998). The effects of healing touch on depression. Healing Touch Newsletter: Research Edition, 8(3), 2. [Data-based]
- Brannon, J. (2002). A patient satisfaction survey for cancer patients experiencing Healing Touch at the cancer wellness center [Abstract]. Healing Touch International Research Survey, June, Lakewood, CO: Healing Touch International, Inc. [Data-based]
- Cassady, D. (2000). A descriptive, qualitative study on why registered nurses learn Healing Touch. Unpublished nursing research project, University of Phoenix, Arizona. [Data-based]
- Chapman, C. (1998). Energy-based psychotherapy in the context of the theories of Caroline Myss. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Union Graduate School, Cincinnati, Ohio. [Data-based]
- Christiano, C. (1997). The lived experience of Healing Touch with cancer patients. Unpublished master's thesis, Florida International University, Miami. [Data-based]
- Collinge, W., Wentworth, R., & Shabo, S. (2003). Challenges and insights in the development of a complementary therapies program in a community mental health center. Rural Mental Health, 28(2), 8-13. [Peer-reviewed]
- Cook, C.A.L., Guerrerio, J.F., Slater, V.E. (2004). Healing Touch and quality of life in women receiving radiation treatment for cancer: A randomized controlled trail, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 10(3), p. 24-41. [Data-based/Peer-reviewed.]
- Cordes, P., Proffitt, C. & Roth, J. (2002). The effect of Healing Touch therapy on the pain and joint mobility experienced by patients with total knee replacements. [Abstract.] Healing Touch Research Survey, June 2002 Lakewood, CO: Healing Touch International, Inc. [Data-based]
- Danhauer, S.C., Tooze, J.A., Holder, P., Miller, C., Jesse, M.T., Carroll, S., Larrimore, D., Campell, C.R., & Kemper, K.J. (2008). Healing Touch as a supportive intervention for adult acute leukemia patients: A pilot investigation of effects on distress and symptoms. Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology, (6)3, 89-97. [Data-based/peer reviewed]
- Darbonne, M. (1997). The effect of HT modalities on patients with chronic pain. Unpublished masters thesis, Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, Louisiana. [Data-based]
- Diener, D. (2001). A pilot study of the effect of chakra connection and magnetic unruffle on perception of pain in people with fibromyalgia. Healing Touch Newsletter, Research Edition, 01(3), 7-8. [Data-based]
- Dowd, T., Kolcaba, K, Steiner, R. & Fashinpaur, D. (2007). Comparison of a Healing Touch, coaching, and a combined intervention on comfort and stress in younger college students. Holistic Nursing Practice, 21(4), 194-202. [Data based, peer reviewed]
- Dowd, T., Kolcaba, K, & Steiner, R. (2006). Development of the Healing Touch Comfort Questionnaire. Holistic Nursing Practice; 20(3):122-129. [Data based, peer reviewed]
- Dubrey, R. (2006). The Role of Healing Touch in the Treatment of Persons in Recovery from Alcoholism. Counselor: The Magazine for Addiction Professionals. 58-64. [Data based, peer reviewed]
- Dubrey, R.J. (2003). A quality assurance project on the effectiveness of Healing Touch treatments as perceived by patients at the Wellness Institute of St. Mary's Hospital, Amsterdam, NY. Healing Touch International, Research Survey, Lakewood, CO: Healing Touch International, Inc. [Data-based.]
- Engebretson, J. & Wardell, D.W. (2007). Energy-based modalities. Nursing Clinics of North America. 42(2):243-59, vi. [Data-based].
- Ercums, J., Rigg Curtis, F., DeMilley, M. (1998). Nursing's caring paradigm: A story of mutuality and transcendent healing. Alternative & Complementary Therapies, 4(1), 68-72. [Data-based/Peer Reviewed.]
- Forbes, M.A., Rust, R., & Becker, G.J. (2004). Surface Electromyography (EMG) Apparatus as a Measurement Device for Biofield Research: Results from a Single Case. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 10(4), 617-626. [Data-based/Peer Reviewed]
- Forsman, S. (2002). The Healing Touch Experience in Elderly Home Care Clients. [Abstract]. Healing Touch International Research Survey, Lakewood, CO. Healing Touch International, Inc. [Data-based]
- Geddes, N. (1999). The experience of personal transformation in healing touch practitioners: A heuristic study. Healing Touch Newsletter, 9(3), 5. [Data-based]
- Gehlhaart, C. & Dail, P. (2000). Effectiveness of Healing Touch and Therapeutic Touch on elderly residents of long-term care facilities on reducing pain and anxiety levels. Healing Touch Newsletter, 0(3), 8. [Data-based]
- Gilbert, N. & Goldberg. M. (2002). Use of Healing Touch energy therapy in improving the quality of life among the dying. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Healing Touch International Conference, Denver, Colorado. [Data-based]
- Guerrerio, J., Slater, V., & Cook, C. (2001). The effect of Healing Touch on radiation-induced fatigue in women receiving radiation therapy for gynecological or breast cancer. Healing Touch Newsletter, 01(3), 5. [Data-based]
- Guevara, E., Menidas, N., Silva, C., (2002). Developing a protocol for decreasing Post-Traumatic Stress symptoms in abused women. Paper presented at the 8th Nursing Research Pan American Colloquium, Mexico City. [Data-based]
- Hollbrook, J. (1998). Essence of healing. Unpublished master's thesis. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. [Data-based]
- Hutchison, C. (1999). A simple yet powerful tool from, 'The perceived effectiveness of Healing Touch treatments performance improvement study'. Healing Touch Newsletter, 9(4), 6-7. [Data-based]
- Kelley, M.G. (1999). The lived experience of spiritual healing touch in older women with chronic pain. Unpublished master's thesis. The University of Arizona, Phoenix. [Data-based]
- Kemper, K. Larrimore, D., Dorzier, J. & Woods, J. (2005). Electives in complementary medicine: are we preaching to the choir? Explore, 1(6), 453-458. [Data based/Peer-reviewed]
- Kissinger, J. & Kaczmarek, L. (2006) Healing Touch and fertility: A case report. The Journal of Perinatal Education, 15(2), 13-20. [Peer-reviewed]
- Krucoff MW, Crater SW, Gallup D, Blankenship JC, Cuffe M, Guarneri M, Krieger RA, Kshettry VR, Morris K, Oz M, Pichard A, Sketch MH Jr, Koenig HG, Mark D, Lee KL. (2005). Music, imagery, touch, and prayer as adjuncts to interventional cardiac care: the Monitoring and Actualization of Noetic Trainings (MANTRA) II randomized study. Lancet. Jul 16-22;366(9481):211-7. [Data based/Peer Reviewed]
- Krucoff, M.W., Crater, S.W., Green, C.L., Massa, A.C., Seskevich, J.E., Lane, J.D., Loeffler, K.A., Morris, K., Mashore, T.M., & Koenig, G. (2001). Integrative noetic therapies as adjuncts to percutaneous intervention during unstable coronary syndromes: Monitoring and Actualization of Noetic Training (MANTRA) feasibility pilot. American Heart Journal, 142(5), 760-7. [Data-based/Peer reviewed]
- Kopecki, D. (2001). The experience of healing touch in women with breast cancer. Unpublished master's thesis, The Sage Colleges, New York. [Data-based]
- Laffey, E.F. & Niezgoda, J.A. (2005). Wound care and complementary medicine: The impact of Healing Touch. Poster presented at 18th Annual Symposium on Advanced Wound Care, April 21-14, 2005, San Diego, California. [Data-based]
- Lodge, M.B. (2001). Healing Touch: A cost-effectiveness study. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Healing Touch International Conference, Denver, Colorado, January 24-27. [Data based]
- McAdams, K. (1996). The effects of Healing Touch on cardiovascular and oxygenation variables in critically ill patients. Unpublished master's thesis, The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston. [Data-based]
- Meillier, S. & Rudenick, J. (2006). The transformational experience of learning and practicing Healing Touch. Unpublished Master's Thesis. College of St. Catherine, Minneapolis, MN. [Data-based]
- Merritt, P. (2002). Effects of Healing Touch and other complementary therapies on diabetes. [Abstract]. Healing Touch International Research Survey. Lakewood CO: Healing Touch International, Inc. [Data-based]
- Merritt, P. & Randall, D. (2002). The effect of healing touch and other forms of energy work on cancer pain. [Abstract]. Healing Touch International Research Survey. Lakewood CO: Healing Touch International, Inc. [Data-based]
- Moreland., [Layte] K. (1998). The lived experience of receiving the chakra connection of women with breast cancer who are receiving chemotherapy: A phenomenological study. Healing Touch Newsletter, 8(3), 3,5. [Data-based]
- Moreland [Layte], K.M. (1998). The lived experience of receiving the chakra connection of women with breast cancer who are receiving chemotherapy: A phenomenological study. Unpublished master's thesis. University of Windsor, Canada. [Data-based]
- Osterlund, H. Davids, D, Gima, A, & Verderber, A. (1998). HeToBa study at the Queen's Medical Center, Healing Touch Newsletter: Research Edition 8(3), 16. [Data-based]
- Ostuni , E. & Pietro, M.J. (2001). Effects of Healing Touch on nursing home residents in later stages of Alzheimer Disease. Paper presented at the 5th Healing Touch International 5th Annual Conference, Denver, CO. January. [Data-based]
- Peck, S. (2007). Aftermath of the unexpected, unexplained and abrupt termination of Healing Touch and extrapolation of related costs. Complementary Health Review, 12(144)144-160. [Data-based/ Peer-reviewed]
- Post-White, J., Kinney, M.E. Savik, K., Gau, J.B., Wilcox, C. & Lerner, I. (2003). Therapeutic massage and Healing Touch improve symptoms in cancer. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 2(4), 332-344. [Data-based/Peer reviewed]
- Protzman, L. (2002). The effect of healing touch on pain and relaxation. [Abstract.] Healing Touch International Research Survey. Lakewood, CO: Healing Touch International, Inc. [Data-based]
- Rexilius, S.J., Mundt, C.A., Megel, M.E., & Agrawal, S. (2002). Therapeutic effects of massage therapy and Healing Touch on caregivers of patients undergoing autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Oncology Nursing Forum, 29(3), 1-14. [Data-based/Peer reviewed]
- Scheel, N. (1997). The Development and initial testing of an instrument to assess advanced practice nursing graduate students' attitudes toward Healing Touch. Unpublished master's thesis, Mankato State University, Mankato, Minnesota. [Data-based]
- Seskevich, JE, Crater, S.W., Lane, J.D., & Krucof, M.W. (2004). Beneficial effects of noetic therapies on mood before percutaneous intervention for unstable coronary syndromes. Nursing Research. Mar-Apr, 53(2), p.116-21. [Data-based/Peer-reviewed]
- Silva, M.A.C. (1996). The effects of relaxation touch on the recovery level of post-anesthesia abdominal hysterectomy patients. [Abstract.] Alternative Therapies, (2) 4. [Data-based/Peer reviewed]
- Simpson, B.S. (1998). The use of therapeutic touch and healing touch with counseling. Unpublished master's thesis, Master of Education, Department of Counseling Psychology, The University of British Columbia, Canada. [Data-based]
- Slater, V. (1996). Safety, elements, and effects of Healing Touch on chronic non-malignant abdominal pain. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Tennessee, College of Nursing. Knoxville, TN. [Data-based]
- Speel, L. (2003). A pilot study on the effect of Healing Touch-Mind clearing and magnetic unruffling on high school students with mental and physical disabilities. Healing Touch International, Research Survey. Lakewood, CO: Healing Touch International, Inc. [Data-based]
- Stouffer, D., Kaiser, D., Pitman, G., Rolf, W. (2002). Electrodermal testing to measure the effect of a Healing Touch treatment. Unpublished manuscript. [Data-based]
- Stouffer, D., Kaiser, D., & Stouffer, J. (1999). Effect of aspartame on the human energy field. Paper presented at the Third Annual Healing Touch International Conference, Denver, CO. [Data-based]
- Taylor, B. (2001). The effects of Healing Touch on the coping ability, self-esteem and general health of undergraduate nursing students. Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery, February, 34-42. [Data-based/Peer reviewed]
- Van Aken, R. (2003). Emerging from depression: The experiential process of Healing Touch. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Healing Touch International Conference, Colorado Springs, January. [Data-based]
- Verret, P. (2000). Healing Touch as a relaxation intervention in children with spasticity. Healing Touch Newsletter, 0(3), p.6-7. [Data-based]
- Wang, K., & Hermann, C. (2006). Pilot study to test the effectiveness of Healing Touch on agitation levels in people with dementia. Geriatric Nursing, 27(1), 34-40. [Data-based/Peer reviewed]
- Wardell, D.W. (2001). Unfolding transpersonal caring-healing through story. International Journal of Human Caring, 6(1), 16-24. [Data based/Peer Reviewed]
- Wardell, D.W. (2001). Spirituality of healing touch participants.
Journal of Holistic Nursing, 19(1), 71-86. [Data-based/Peer reviewed] - Wardell, D.W. (2000). The trauma release technique: How it is taught and experienced in Healing Touch. Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 6(1), 20-27. [Data based/Peer reviewed]
- Wardell, D.W. & Engebretson, J. (2006). Taxonomy of the spiritual experience. Journal of Religion and Health. 45(2), 215-233. [Data-based/Peer reviewed]
- Wardell, D.W. & Engebretson, J.C. (2001). Ethical principles applied to complementary healing. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 19(4), 318-34; quiz 335-9. [Data-based/Peer reviewed]
- Wardell, D. Rintala, D. Tan, G., & Duan, Z. (2006). Pilot study of Healing Touch and progressive relaxation for chronic neuropathic pain in persons with spinal cord injury. Journal or Holistic Nursing.24(4), 231-240. [Data-based/Peer reviewed]
- Wardell, D.W. & Weymouth, K. (2004). Review of studies of Healing Touch. Journal of Nursing Scholarship: Image, 36(2), 147-154. [Data-based/Peer Reviewed]
- Welcher, B., & Kish, J. (2001). Reducing pain and anxiety through Healing Touch. Healing Touch Newsletter, 01(3), 19. [Data-based]
- Wetzel, W. (1993). Healing Touch as a nursing intervention: Wound infection following cesarean birth: An anecdotal case study. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 11(3), 277-285. [Data-based/Peer reviewed]
- Weymouth, K. (2002). Healing from a personal perspective: Interviews with Certified Healing Touch Practitioners. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, SaybrookGraduateSchoolResearch Center, San Francisco, California. [Data-based] and
- Weymouth, K. & Sandberg-Lewis, S. (2000). Comparing the efficacy of Healing Touch and chiropractic adjustment in treating chronic low back pain: A pilot study. Healing Touch Newsletter, 00(3), 7-8. [Data-based]
- Wheeler-Robins, J. (1999). Psychoneuroimmunology and Healing Touch in HIV disease. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA. [Data-based]
- Wilkinson, D. (1998). Effectiveness and efficacy of Healing Touch: Phase 1. Unpublished master's thesis, Tennessee State University, Nashville. [Data-based]
- Wilkinson, D. (2002). The clinical effectiveness of Healing Touch on HIV-infected Individuals. Unpublished dissertation, Tennessee State University, Nashville. [Data-based]
- Wilkinson, D., Knox, P., Chatman, J., Johnson, T., Barbour, N., Myles, Y., & Reel, A. (2002). The clinical effectiveness of Healing Touch. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 8(1), 33-47. [Data-based/Peer reviewed]
- Ziembroski J, Gilbert, N., Bossarte, R., Guldberg, G. (2003). Healing Touch and Hospice Care: Examining outcomes at the end of life. Alternative & Complementary Therapies. 9(3), 146-151. [Data-based/Peer Reviewed]
- Adams, A. (2002, July). Healing touch therapies offered at local hospitals. Houston Chronicle, Health Care Professional Update, IX(7), 11-12.
- Alverez, T. (2000 March/April). Their healing hands: Nurses' coalition rediscovers the restorative arts. Hinduism Today, 40-41.
- Cancer and Biofield Therapies. Cancer Monthly: The Source for Cancer Treatment Results. Available at
- Cannon Ranch.(2005). Touching the spirit: The gentle power of Healing Touch. Cannon Ranch Connection, 24(1), 12.
- Baller, B. (2000, September 11). The power of touch. Arizona Daily Star, p. E1.
- Braxil, C. (1999, September 4). Bethel congregational adds healing touch. Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, 120, p.1.
- Cohen, M. (1999, November 1). Nurses' hands provide Healing Touch. The Yuma Daily Sun.
- Dennet, J.T. (2002). The energy within. In Touch: The Good Health Guide to Cancer Prevention and Treatment, 4(5).
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