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Celebrate Healing Touch Day Sale!

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Check Out Our Healing Touch Sale!

In honor of our 28th year, we are offering a 28% discount off select Healing Touch items located in our SHOP.

Members, please be sure to log in for additional savings on

select sale items. Our sale will be running through

March 8 while supplies last.


Celebrate Healing Touch Day 2024

March 6, 2024

Celebration Suggestions Below


This Healing Touch Day marks the 28th birthday of our organization! Since its founding in 1996 as Healing Touch International, Inc., Healing Beyond Borders has supported the education, certification, and professional development of students, practitioners, and instructors of Healing Touch, guided by our Core Values: Integrity, Heart Centeredness, Respect of Self and Others, Self-Care, Service, Community, and Unconditional Love.


Visit our website for suggestions for celebrating Healing Touch Day!

Our annual conference theme for 2024 is Planetary Healing: Imagining the Future, Creating Wholeness on Earth. This theme speaks to our legacy and our future. As we step into the next 28 years, we ride the momentum we have sustained during this time, reflecting on where we have been and where we are going. The path we have walked and the path we are walking. Dates are: October 17-20, 2024.

Ways to Support Our Organization, Our Vision and Mission:

  • Give. Support Healing Beyond Borders in its mission to spread healing and light worldwide through the heart-centered practice and teaching of Healing Touch. Visit our website to learn more about how you can give to Healing Beyond Borders and be part of the challenge grant.
  • Become a member. Joining Healing Beyond Borders offers you a professional affiliation with and connection to members around the world. We invite you to grow and expand with us! 
  • Join our monthly online practice groups. Watch for your links through our practice group zines each month.
  • Spread the word! Share with your friends and family what our mission means to you and why you support our organization in celebration of Healing Touch Day (here are some more ideas to celebrate). Make sure to use hashtag #HealingTouchDay and tag us so we can share!

Thank you for being part of the Healing Touch community. Together we can fulfill the vision of Healing Beyond Borders: To spread Healing, Light and Love, creating wholeness on Earth.




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Guest Tuesday, 16 July 2024