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July 2020 HBB President Update

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b2ap3_thumbnail_Seeds.pngSeeds of Possibility - Photo by Cat Miller

July 2020 President Monthly Ezine 
My heart is moved by all I cannot save: so much has been destroyed that I have to cast my lot with those who age after age, perversely, with no extraordinary power, reconstitute the world."     ~Adrienne Rich
This summer is not going according to plan.
Five months ago, I was making preparations for a spring and summer full of research-related travel, outings with friends and family, and working diligently in my office at the university on a full plate of research and teaching. But in the past five months, that travel and those outings have been put on hold, and I've worked as diligently as I can from my home office.
When the pandemic was declared in March and the world began locking down, I reached out to family and friends far and wide to check in with them, to let them know I was thinking about them and that I was here for them. Among those Healing Touch folks was Annis Parker, who responded to my message with the following: "You are so able to deal with this. That is why you are placed in the place at the University." That message back in March helped me to remember what I can do during a time in which it felt (and sometimes still feels) like there is nothing I can do to make the situation better.
As the spring and summer have unfolded, we've watched the tides of the pandemic ebb, flow, and surge. There remains an uncomfortable level of uncertainty. And that uncertainty means decisions are hard to make. But I'm finding that the ability to make decisions provides some measure of certainty that I'm appreciating.
Making the decision to move our conference into a virtual format was not taken lightly. But once the decision was made, space opened up. Movement and forward motion were possible. The Patterns of Possibility emerged. It's funny. When we developed the conference theme for this year, we had no idea how salient it would be.
The office staff and Conference Planning Committee are working tirelessly to make our virtual conference a success. This new way of delivering our conference offers a great deal of possibility. I hope you will register and join us!
The main thing keeping me going during the pandemic is community. Though interactions have been limited to Skype calls and Zoom sessions, we've fostered community using technology, strengthening ties and expressing gratitude. Being part of our Healing Touch community has given me hope for the past fourteen years, but never more so than in the last four months. 
We are those who have cast our lot as a healing, compassionate presence in this world. May our collective work support transformative healing for the highest good of all.
Joel G. Anderson, PhD, CHTP, FGSA
President, Healing Beyond Borders


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