Dear Members & CHTPs,
During the past several years of pandemic many Healing Touch communities have had challenges with staying connected. Throughout this time the Healing Beyond Borders Board of Directors have taken steps to assist with fostering community engagement. Supportive virtual offerings such as “Staying Connected Through Social Distancing” our Pre-conference Community Meetings and the conference morning “Coffees” and evening “Bedtime Stories” were all created to connect, support and uphold students, practitioners and instructors.
Following this intention of support, we are happy to share that Healing Beyond Borders will be offering a virtual Healing Touch Practice Group. The Healing Beyond Borders Healing Touch Practice Group will be scheduled at times that allow connection with much of our worldwide community. This will be a time to connect, discuss, support and learn together.
As a long-time member of the regional Blue Ridge Shenandoah Healing Touch Practice Group, I value the experience of gathering with like-minded people to share and learn together. I began attending the Blue Ridge Shenandoah Healing Touch Practice Group in 2002, shortly after I attended Course 1: Foundations of Healing Touch. As a newcomer to Healing Touch I really appreciated the support of more seasoned students and practitioners. Hearing their stories of when and how others used the Healing Touch, what they sensed in the field, how they sequenced techniques and what energetic patterns they recognized. This group experience really helped me grow in confidence and understanding of energy work. At the end of the evening the opportunity to both give and receive Healing Touch sessions made all the difference in keeping me move forward with the work. Of course, I had heard my Healing Touch Instructors say “the energy teaches us.” As I attended Healing Touch Practice Group, I came to understand that!
How it will work:
- Members of the Board of Directors have marked off recurring times on their calendars to gather with our members online using Zoom. A link to the meetings will be sent via email.
- The Practice Group will be structured with a time of welcome, sharing, discussing a predetermined Healing Touch Intervention, a voice guided Practitioner Preparation, followed by practicing the intervention as a self-care technique or if you choose, a healing partner in your home.
We hope that you will join us for the Healing Beyond Borders Healing Touch Practice Group, and we hope that CHTIs will encourage their students to join as an opportunity to meet new people and find out what is going on in our wonderful community.
With gratitude for the Healing Touch Community that has supported me along the way,
Gina Bondurant BSN, RN, CHTP/I
President Healing Beyond Borders