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January 2019 HBB President Update

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b2ap3_thumbnail_January-2019-Ezine.jpgReynolda Gardens in Winston-Salem, North Carolina - Photo by Joel  Anderson


January 2019 President Monthly Ezine

I always find myself even more introspective than usual as the calendar turns from one year to the next. Like Janus, I am at once looking forward and looking back, thinking about what has occurred in the year that has passed, what I can learn from these events, and how I can take these lessons forward with me.

January is also the month during which we in the United States recognize the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. During a recent conversation, our Vice President Victoria Cornelius reminded me of the following quote from Dr. King: "Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." This helped me not only to frame the topic of our conversation, but also reminded me of Roshi Joan Halifax's book Standing at the Edge, which was my pick for the fourth quarter read of 2018. She, too, reflects on that balanced middle ground - a Goldilocks zone of just right.

As the new year unfurls before us, may we remember and put into practice Dr. King's words and aspirations. May unconditional, powerful love guide us as we spread light and expand wholeness on Earth.

Member Spotlight

Got a story to share? Let me know! If you'd like to share what you're doing in a member spotlight, please use this form to let me know what you're up to! I'll then incorporate these stories into Perspectives in Healing and future ezines to share with our global community.

For example, Patricia Rux shared that she is incorporating Healing Touch into her practice as an end-of-life doula. Evelyn Jarman is expanding her Healing Touch practice and offerings at Gladstone Hospital in Queensland, Australia. And Myra Tovey presented on heart-centered communication at the 45th annual Professional Nurse Educators Group conference.

Quarterly Group Read

"And cobras are the laziest of the lot!" If you were at the conference in 2017, then you might recognize that quote from Annis Parker's keynote presentation about her work with animals. I instantly thought of Annis when I spotted the book I've chosen as the first read for the first quarter of 2019 in the bookstore. And there was just something about the book that wouldn't let me leave the bookstore without it. I'm glad that I didn't. How to Be a Good Creature: A Memoir in Thirteen Animals by Sy Montgomery is a small but mighty book that shares the simple wisdom of animals and how we can learn so much more from them than they might ever learn from us.

Online Discussion Groups

I will again be hosting online Zoom sessions to provide a space for support, connection, and dialogue with me in a small group setting. These sessions were well-received last year, and I thoroughly enjoyed connecting with those who participated. The sign-up process last time was not so great, though, so I've changed it this year. Use this link to submit your interest in the sessions scheduled for 2019. Dates and more information about the sessions can be found on the online form.

In addition to these sessions, 2019 will bring with it new online topical discussion groups. For example, our Research Director Sue Hess wants to host online discussions focused on research. And I envision other discussion groups on topics that have consistently topped comments, surveys, and emails from our students, practitioners, and instructors, such as mentorship, teaching, and ethics. More information about these sessions will follow in the coming months.

Meditation for January

As it's a new year, many of us think about how we can be our best selves moving forward. I've recently discovered Marie Kondo and her method for tidying up. Keeping our energy system tidy is the inspiration for this month's meditation. This video from Meditative Mind provides musical frequencies for clearing and healing the major chakras.

Become an Evergreen Supporter

Join me in becoming an Evergreen Supporter of Healing Beyond Borders. I've pledged to support the mission and vision of Healing Beyond Borders through an automatic credit card deduction each month. For more information, including giving levels, visit the store on our website and click on the Evergreen Support tab.

Online Store

And speaking of our store, have you seen all of the new products in our online store? There are quite a few new resources, supplies, and gifts that can support your learning, practice, and teaching. Profits from the sale of products from our online store directly support Healing Beyond Borders.

In light, 

Joel G. Anderson, PhD, FGSA, CHTP
President, Healing Beyond Borders Board of Directors


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