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Members Survey - We want to hear from you!

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Members Survey (now closed) – Click here for this anonymous, easy survey.  We want to hear from you!

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I hope you have been enjoying the new website!  We have been getting great feedback on the look and feel of the website, as well as the new features!  Have you had a moment to explore the Event Calendar? Try it out – when you scroll over the ‘box’ on a certain date, the information automatically pops up. Click on it for even more information.  Please remember, only those Members who have selected to appear in the Online Directory will have information on both the Event Calendar and the Map of Healing Touch Around the World. You can always defer to the “Find Healing Touch” Navigation Tab for easy search results of Classes, Practitioners, Instructors, Mentors and more!

Members of Healing Beyond Borders are invited to complete a new Membership Survey!   The purpose of the survey is to gather information from the membership community about how best the Board of Directors and various committees can serve our community.  It’s easy, completely anonymous and offers you a chance to be heard!  Thanks in advance for taking a few moments to tell us how we can serve you better.

Simply sign in to the Members Area, and you’ll see a pull down menu for the survey called Members Survey for the direct survey link or click the link that's on the Welcome Members or Welcome Instructors page.

Thank you!


Mary-Cathrine Campbell began her nursing career in the Emergency Department. Her 30-plus years of hospital nursing include surgical and neurosurgical ICU, Operating Room, and outpost nursing in Alaska. Currently, she is employed in the Interventional Room of Diagnostic Imaging. As a former member of the Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Team, Lakeridge Health, she has been certified as a Nurse Examiner, as well as having completed the Advanced Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing Course offered at Foothills Hospital in Calgary, Alberta.
Her journey with Healing Touch International began with Level 1 in 1999, shortly after she graduated with a BA in English and Sociology. The remaining levels of HTI leading to certification last year, were spread out while she enjoyed the joys and challenges of parenting her daughter.
Mary-Cathrine believes very strongly that we cannot be effective conduits of healing unless we ourselves have done our personal healing work. Commitment to integrity, balanced with a determination to examine all facets of each situation before making a decision are two of the strong qualities she brings in service to Healing Touch International as a member of the Board.


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Guest Tuesday, 16 July 2024